Do It Yourself?
Outside of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is a huge statue of Atlas, holding the heavens on his shoulders. If you don’t know...
Help Your Teen Son Grow Up by Serving
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing all the bad things going on with boys these days. Falling grades and school engagement,...
Kind Words for Teen Sons
Tell me if this sounds familiar. Your son gets home from school and heads directly to his room or spot in the house and basically checks...
Two Kingdom Tickets
Over the Thanksgiving break, our middle son went into building over-drive. J was dead-set on creating a structure he could sleep in just...
Pay Attention
Minister Chuck spoke recently about three major questions a person needs to ask him or herself. A similar version of his first question...
Instilling Christian Values: Four Ideas
For the longest time, we had a gnarly, old apple tree at camp that I would walk by every day heading to the office. The tree was...